Chimyrr Wiki


Standard Cycles[]


A week consists of six days, with each day 24 hours long; twelve hours of day and twelve hours of night.


A month consists of five weeks of six days apiece, resulting in months of 30 days each.


The time it takes for Chimyrr to complete on revolution around the sun, a year consist of twelve months and two individual weeks at the end of winter and summer, which results in a year of 372 days.

March Reckoning[]

The calendar used in the Marches is known as March Reckoning, based off the standard Dwarven calendar. The Caelorast calendar is occasionally used, mostly in the northern reaches of the Marches.

March Reckoning - Dwarven Calendar/Caelorast Calendar

Jherrus - Dawn/Spring Ascendant (30 Days)

Ghislus - Dawn/Spring (30 Days)

Sujus - Dawn/Spring Descendant (30 Days)

Cherunnus - Day/Summer Ascendant (30 Days)

Galirus - Day/Summer (30 Days)

Hezjus - Day/Summer Descendant (30 Days)

Egrittir - Sunset/Summer’s End (6 Days)

Lauhidir - Twilight/Autumn Ascendant (30 Days)

Marlir - Twilight/Autumn (30 Days)

Eamusir - Twilight/Autumn Descendant (30 Days)

Luxir - Night/Winter Ascendant (30 Days)

Tethxir - Night/Winter (30 Days)

Quarir - Night/Winter Descendant (30 Days)

Derarus - Dawn/Winter’s End (6 Days)

Days of the week are named after the elemental planes and the celestial bodies, with the week beginning; Airday, Fireday, Waterday, Earthday, Moonday and Sunday.
